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Posty AdamK (280):
@up: a kiedy dzienna data premiery? No wlasnie...
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@up: sam ocenisz,ale to jedna z ambitniejszych perelek ostatnich lat -- podobnie jak i drugi tytul tych samych tworcow i dziejacy sie w tych samych realiach: "A Plague Tale: Requiem"
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Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered (PS5)
Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 1 (PS5)
Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 8 (Switch)
Legend of Ixtona (PS4, PS5)
Shogun Showdown (PS5, Switch)
//andreo.spc: Dodane:
Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered (PS5)
Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 1 (PS5)
Kemco RPG Selection Vol. 8 (SWITCH)
Legend of Ixtona (PS4) (PS5)
Shogun Showdown (PS5) (SWITCH)0 -
SUNSOFT is Back! Retro Game Selection (PS5)
//andreo.spc: Dodane: SUNSOFT is Back! Retro Game Selection (PS5)
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Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream (PS5, Switch)
//andreo.spc: Dodane: Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream (PS5) (SWITCH)
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@up: "On The Road" i "Port Royale 4" sa w bazie, ale faktycznie brakuje edycji na nowsze platformy. Do uzupelnienia.
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@up: andreo zadecyduje, ale ta gra w pudelku wychodzi dopiero w lutym przyszlego roku.
//andreo.spc: Tak dokładnie, dodamy później.
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@up: od miesiaca, cyfrowej premiery gry (i poprzedniej strony tego tematu na forum} nic sie nie zmienilo, a oficjalny komunikat wydawcy brzmi tak: "It is the first time for Game Science to release a console game globally, and we are currently facing limitations in offline resources required for the import, export, transportation, distribution, and sales of physical discs. These factors have made it difficult for us to sell physical discs simultaneously with the official release of the game.
Our publishing team is actively working on resolving these issues and exploring options to offer physical discs."
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@up: jest w bazie
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Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom (PS4, PS5, Switch)
//maciej_spc: Dodane: Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom (PS4) (PS5) (SWITCH)
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Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (PS4, Switch)
//andreo.spc: Dodane: Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (PS4) (SWITCH)